I had the boys all to myself Sunday and Monday for the first time without any help. Tom had to travel to Denver for business and although EXTREMELY exhausting for me, we all survived! Zac is starting to get a little better about being a little more independent and helpful. To make matters more difficult, Tyler is teething! He would wake up from his naps just screaming and inconsolable but Tylenol and orajel took the edge off a little bit anyway. It's amazing how much energy two little boys can suck out of one adult!
Zac had to go potty at one point while I was breast feeding Tyler and I am trying to get him to try and do more on his own so I told him to go ahead and call me if he needed any help. The bathroom is right off the living room so I could hear everything. He's a little afraid of the dark so he told me that he needed the light on but he can't quite reach it yet. He has a stool to stand on to pee so I told him to pull the stool over and turn the light on by himself. There are two switches, one for the light and one for the vent fan. He accidentally hit the switch for the fan, fell over backward and started to cry. At this point, I put Tyler down and went to check on him. As I had suspected, he wasn't hurt, he had just scared himself when the fan turned on and toppled over backward! I thought it was pretty funny though! I'm such a nice mom!
I don't know how you do it with 2!!! I need potty training advice!!
We've got #1 down but #2 is another story!
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