

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Pregnancy Woes

So according to my Doctor's office, I am now 35 weeks along and have my first official "check" appointment tomorrow morning. I don't expect her to find that I am dialated at all yet as I didn't really dialate early with Zac but it sure would be nice to know that all this discomfort is for a purpose! I am having terrible carpule tunnel symptoms, bad back aches, swollen feet and ankles already, daily heartburn and I have been SOOOO completely wiped out tired! All of which makes sleeping difficult from time to time which just complicates everything. I know my days of peaceful sleep are coming to an end again very soon so I would like to enjoy them without all of this discomfort! Today was just one of those days when I woke up already tired and achy and wishing I could do nothing but lay on the couch all day. I decided not to go to the gym and just ran a couple of errands instead, including grocery shopping. I was exhausted when I got finished and could hardly stand up to put the grocerys away and already it was time to make Zac some lunch. So I plugged on and started making him some lunch when he decided to join me in the kitchen and "help". He was into everything and making a mess and I just wasn't in the mood at all to deal with it. I was on the phone with Tom at work complaining about my day while all of this was going on and had to keep stopping to yell at Zac. Finally Zac looks up at me and says: "I'm driving you nuts". I had to laugh at that point and realized that he must have been feeling my stress as well!


Ross and Jill's Blog said...

Well Tracy, I think you look really good:) I hope you can get some good rest! I hate the carpal tunnel!! I had that too... so weird the stuff that pregnancy brings along. And how perceptive Zac is... I often don't give kids the credit they deserve.

Melissa said...

I feel your pain and I'm not even pregnant!