I had
Bunco last night so Tom was alone with the boys from bath until bed time. That's usually the easiest time because they are in a routine and starting to wind down by then. When I got home from
Bunco last night, Tom had some stories for me!
Usually we get Tyler out of the bath first because Zac can sit and play while we put Tyler's PJ's on beside the tub. Last night, Zac decided that he wanted to get out first so that he could watch a Christmas special on tv. Once Tom had him dried off, he wanted to go out to the living room and snuggle with Daddy. Tom told him that he couldn't do that until Tyler was out of the tub and Zac wanted to know why not. At that exact moment, Tyler fell backwards and although he was able to keep his face above the water, he was struggling to try and sit back up. Tom explained to Zac that that was why he couldn't leave Tyler alone. (Not that Zac really cared very much) This happened a second time while Tom was distracted by Zac.
Finally, Tom got Tyler out of the tub and began drying him off. Tom told Zac that he would have to wait a minute for help getting his PJ's on and just hang out naked for a minute. Tom was putting some diaper rash cream on Tyler's bottom (he's had diarrhea) and Zac said "I'll just take care of my itchies". Tom didn't think anything of the comment until he looked up and saw Zac holding Tom's electric toothbrush head in his hand. Tom said "What did you just do with that?" and Zac showed him that he used it to itch his butt!!!!!!!!!!! Tom horrified but I found it hysterical! Maybe Daddy's think they know how hard it is to watch multiple children at once but I'm not sure they have any idea of how often things like happen if you're not watching them like a hawk!